Reversionary Pensions

A reversionary pension is a retirement income stream that automatically reverts to a beneficiary should the original pension recipient pass away.

In the event that the original pension recipient passes away, the remaining pension balance is not paid to the deceased’s Estate.

The deceased’s Will or any superannuation death benefit nominations are irrelevant when determining who shall receive the remaining pension balance when the original pension owner dies.

Instead, a reversionary pension will automatically revert to the person nominated as the reversionary beneficiary of that specific income stream.

Should a person have multiple pension income streams, it is possible to have different beneficiaries for each pension.

Can I Put A Redundancy into Super?

Can I put redundancy into super? This is a good question and important to understand. Making contributions to superannuation can provide you with tax concessions and may result in you effectively paying less tax on your redundancy payment. Rolling a redundancy payment...

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How to Withdraw Super

Prior to figuring out how to withdraw super, you must first determine if you are allowed to access your super. In order to access your superannuation savings you must first meet a superannuation condition of release. The most common ways of meeting a condition of...

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TPD Insurance Tax Deductible in SMSF

This article explores whether TPD insurance is tax deductible within a SMSF. TPD stands for Total and Permanent Disability. In certain circumstances, the premiums for TPD insurance can be a tax deductible expense to an SMSF. TPD is an insurance that can be owned...

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Can I Put A Redundancy into Super?

Can I put redundancy into super? This is a good question and important to understand. Making contributions to superannuation can provide you with tax concessions and may result in you effectively paying less tax on your redundancy payment. Rolling a redundancy payment...

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How to Withdraw Super

Prior to figuring out how to withdraw super, you must first determine if you are allowed to access your super. In order to access your superannuation savings you must first meet a superannuation condition of release. The most common ways of meeting a condition of...

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TPD Insurance Tax Deductible in SMSF

This article explores whether TPD insurance is tax deductible within a SMSF. TPD stands for Total and Permanent Disability. In certain circumstances, the premiums for TPD insurance can be a tax deductible expense to an SMSF. TPD is an insurance that can be owned...

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