For Advisers

Can I Send People To You for Personal Advice?

Thousands of people visit this website every month for information relating to superannuation and retirement planning.

I am constantly asked by people if I can provide them with advice. As I am currently choosing to not be a licensed financial planner and therefore unable to give personal advice, I was wondering if you would like to join my index of advisers from around Australia (or elsewhere), so that visitors to my site can get in touch with you if they wish.

Here’s how to get more clients if you’re a financial planner, accountant, lawyer or other professional.

You provide me with your name, business name, business contact details, and  a blurb on the type of advice you specialise in.

The only thing I ask for in return is that you provide a link from your website to an article I have written. The link should be part of a paragraph or within the content of a blog article you have written.

Once you have linked to an article on my site, email me chris and direct me to the page where the link is included. Once I have checked the link from your website to mine I will add your details in my adviser index page, which you can check here.

This service is available to any licensed financial planners, accountants, tax advisers, lawyers, SMSF administrators/auditors or any other service I deem appropriate to assist visitors to this website.