If you are an employee, it is likely that you receive a payslip each pay period and might be wondering what the term SGC means on your payslip.
SGC or SG stands for Superannuation Guarantee contributions. Superannuation Guarantee contributions are compulsory contributions made by your employer to your superannuation fund.
It is a legal requirement for your employer to make SGC payments into your superannuation account by the due dates.
The amount of SGC that you should receive is based on a percentage of your salary or wage, subject to certain conditions.
What Does SGC Mean On A Payslip?
The amount shown as being paid as SGC on your payslip is the amount that was paid into your chosen superannuation fund for the pay period noted on your payslip.
If you have not yet notified your employer of your super fund of choice, it may say SGC Fund Details Pending on your payslip.
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A common misconception is that SGC is the name of your super fund. This is incorrect.
SGC is the type of the contribution being made, not the name of the fund that the contribution is being made to.
To find out where your SGC payments are being made to, you should contact your employer or payroll officer.
They will be able to tell you the name of your superannuation fund and your superannuation account or member number.
You can then contact your fund or login to your account.
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SGC Super Rates
The SGC super rates are standard for all employees in Australia. However, certain occupations or employment contracts may mean that you have a higher SGC super rate than what is detailed below, or you may have the ability to make additional voluntary super contributions.
Detailed below are the past, present and planned future SG rates:
Financial Year | SGC Superannuation Rate (%) |
2012-13 | 9.00% |
2013-14 | 9.25% |
2014-15 | 9.50% |
2015-16 | 9.50% |
2016-17 | 9.50% |
2017-18 | 9.50% |
2018-19 | 9.50% |
2019-20 | 9.50% |
2020-21 | 9.50% |
2021-22 | 10.0% |
2022-23 | 10.5% |
2023-24 | 11.0% |
2024-25 | 11.5% |
2025 onwards | 12.0% |
SGC Calculator
The SGC calculator below will help you determine how much SGC you should receive from your employer.
Keep in mind that this SGC calculator should be used as a guide only, as it does not take into account irregular income earnings, but does include the maximum superannuation contribution base.
Unlike most other super contributions, there is no maximum SGC age limit.
Maximum Superannuation Contribution Base
Due to the maximum superannuation contribution base, high income earners will not always receive superannuation guarantee contributions equal to 9.5% of their salary.
The maximum superannuation contribution base limits the level of salary that an employer is required to make SCG contributions on.
Click here for an example of how the maximum super contributions base applies.
The maximum superannuation contribution base is indexed annually and applies to quarterly income earnings, as shown below:
Income Year | Quarterly Income |
2020-2021 | $57 090 |
2019-2020 | $55 270 |
2018-2019 | $54 030 |
2017-2018 | $52 760 |
2016-2017 | $51 620 |
2015-2016 | $50 810 |
2014-2015 | $49 430 |
2013-2014 | $48 040 |
2012-2013 | $45 750 |
2011-2012 | $43 820 |
This means that if you were to earn more than $57,090 over a three month period, you would only receive SG payments equal to 9.5% of $57,090 ($5,423) for that quarter.
Furthermore, high-income earners may be required to pay an additional contributions tax.
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Hopefully this has given you a greater understanding of what SGC means on a payslip and the superannuation guarantee rules in general.